The Difference Between Pre-U and A-levels

The Difference Between Pre-U and A-levels

Whilst A levels seem to be the most common choice for 16+ qualifications there are also other options such as the IB or CIE Pre-U Diplomas. Pre-U exams are the most recent qualification out of the three and the first exams were only in 2010. For those of you that
The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Good A-level Timetable

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Good A-level Timetable

When moving up to sixth form or college you will often find yourself with a lot more free time than you are expected to use for studying. For some students this may be an exciting prospect because it means you can have a little more control over your studies. However
What is the Difference Between Modular and Linear A-levels?

What is the Difference Between Modular and Linear A-levels?

Most students are aware that in the last few years A level courses have been reformed (or are due to be reformed), which can mean a completely new course and topics in some cases or just a few tweaks to the content in others. However, the biggest change is that
Which is the Hardest Science at A-Level?

Which is the Hardest Science at A-Level?

Sciences as a whole are often called the hardest A Levels, but there is usually some debate among students as to which of the three is actually the hardest. Although the courses may share a similar foundation to each other, there are typically a few key differences that affect the
Should I Make My Own A-level Notes?

Should I Make My Own A-level Notes?

Note taking is a revision method that is used by pretty much all students at some point, but it isn't always the most effective technique for remembering information. The chances are you will normally have at least some notes on a topic from your lessons and homework tasks so rewriting
What is A-levels and Sixth Form Really Like?

What is A-levels and Sixth Form Really Like?

As a GCSE student, you hear a lot of horror stories about how A Levels are a nightmare and sixth form is completely different to secondary school. Most of the time these aren’t true, but it is true that there are a few key differences between sixth form and
Best Way to Prepare For A-levels from GCSE

Best Way to Prepare For A-levels from GCSE

When you finish school after your GCSEs, you’ll have one of the longest summers you’ll probably ever get. Whilst you should obviously take this time to relax after the stress of exams, it’s also a great time to get ahead on the subjects you hope to do
Should You Go to Sixth Form or a College?

Should You Go to Sixth Form or a College?

When it comes to choosing what you’ll do after GCSE, you’re faced with choices you’ve never had to consider before, including where to go to school. For some people they want to get away from their secondary school and go to a college, whereas others prefer the
The Best A-level Subject Combinations

The Best A-level Subject Combinations

For those of you that are sure of which course you'd like to do at degree level, choosing A Levels can be as simple as just looking at the university course entry requirements. But when you don't know or the entry requirements are just points based it can be a
The Easiest A-levels to Pass

The Easiest A-levels to Pass

If you put this into Google you’ll find a lot of articles that claim most students take ‘soft subjects’ like media studies or psychology nowadays, but are these really easier to pass? Whilst subjects like chemistry and maths may have a reputation for being inherently tough, subjects such as