Unlike the old modular science A Levels, the new A Level now requires you to complete various core practicals throughout the course. Whilst these do not contribute towards your final grade, most universities still require you to pass this element and you can be asked questions about them in the exam so it's important that you take them seriously.

1. Go through the instruction sheets
Fortunately the exam board does provide you with instruction sheets which tell you exactly how to complete each practical. It is key that you read these through carefully as the teacher will be marking you on aspects like safety. You can also be asked exam questions about the procedure you followed so it is important to try and revise it as well when it comes to exam time.

2. Check the safety information
The type of questions that you're typically asked about core practicals in a chemistry exam are usually about safety. You are working with dangerous chemicals so they may ask why you use a low concentration or what to do if the chemical is spilt. When doing the practical you should take note of where you have to be careful or how it is dealt with if something went wrong. There are information sheets online about most chemicals and how you should handle them so if you're unsure then you can look these up.

3. Read through the practicals before the lesson
If possible, you should always also try and research or read through the practical you're doing before the lesson. If you're prepared then it'll make it much easier to complete and it'll give you an idea of how it fits into the topic that you're doing. It's important to see how it fits into the course as it may be linked to other ideas in an exam question.

4. Organise your write up carefully
When you've actually completed the practical it's important that you organise all of your write up carefully. The examiner will need to look at your work so it will obviously be better if it is organised. It will also make it easier for you at exam time if you have all of your practicals in one place.

5. Follow the instructions
At the end of the day, the important thing is to follow the instructions. They're there for a reason so if you follow them then your practical should be perfect and there is absolutely no reason for you to fail. You should also look over your practicals when revising because they can show up as part of your exams, so you shouldn't overlook them completely.