A Level Maths is notoriously tricky to get a high grade in, but it definitely isn’t impossible! There are certain tips and tricks that you can use to ensure that you can answer (or at least attempt) even the most complicated questions on the paper, maximising your chance of scoring the best grades.
1. List what you’re good at
A good place to start when revising A Level maths is making a list of the topics that you have to study and rating your confidence in them from 1 to 5. Then you can prioritise which topics you need to focus on when revising; begin with the topics that you rated 1 and then continue until you’re just skimming over the topics you rated 5. This allows you to break down a huge chunk of work into something much more manageable that you can attack over time leading up to the exam.

2) Note down how to solve problems
Once you have decided on the topics that you want to study the key thing to do is to ensure that you have clear and concise notes about all possible methods of solving the problems. Remembering important equations and numbers is always a good idea even if you get it in your data book as it can save you time in your exams. Having the steps written down makes it easy to refer back to them if you get stuck or you just want a quick refresher.

3) Practice makes perfect
Obviously the biggest step in revising for A Level Maths is practicing every problem you possibly can. This means tackling as many questions from textbooks, exam papers and workbooks that you can get your hands on. The key is to practice until you cannot get it wrong not until you can get it right! Some questions sources may be easier and more difficult than the real exam so it’s important that you always do some questions from actual exam papers so you can learn the level of difficulty expected of the exam.

Everyone knows that the key to succeeding in maths is practice, practice, practice but keeping a record of what you need to study and when you need to study it will help you on your way too. If you’re especially stuck, why not check out our videos? They provide easy to follow explanations for even the most difficult topics and they explain exam questions too so you can see the theories in practice!