So you want to get straight As? Well, whilst it may seem impossible at first, let us assure you that it is perfectly doable with the right revision tactics and level of organisation. People have managed to do it before so there is no reason that you can’t do it too. Here are our top tips for achieving all As at A Level.
1. Keep on top of your work
It’s basically impossible to revise or read ahead if you’re constantly bogged down with homework. The first step to being successful is being organised and getting things done early so that you have time to do your own revision for a subject rather than just doing the bare minimum for your homework. Using organisation methods like a diary or a bullet journal is a great way to plan out your time whilst also keeping track of what you have to do.

2. Know your strengths and weaknesses
It’s natural to want to study the things we enjoy and we’re good at, but that won’t help you to improve your grades in other subjects. Start off your day by the doing the hard work so that you have plenty of time to find help if you needed it and you’ll also feel much more relaxed once it is out of the way. Also, knowing your weaknesses is key when it comes to revision as there is so much course content that it is near impossible to go over it all in immense detail. Focus on the things you don’t understand until they get to a good level of understanding, then focus on the things you already understand.

3. Get ahead early
If you go over content regularly then it becomes easier to revise each time. At the end of a week review everything you covered, then do the same at the end of the month, at the end of the term, etc. If you keep on top of your studying then you won’t find yourself struggling to do everything at the end of the year when you won’t really have time. Ideally, you should only have to glance over content to remind yourself so that you can then focus on practice questions and applying the knowledge instead.

4. Work smarter not harder
Finding out what type of learner you are is a really useful thing to do. You can do this through multiple online quizzes and you can then tailor your revision so that you work as efficiently as you can. If you struggle to concentrate when making notes for a long time then stop doing it as it is likely that you won’t remember a lot of it. Instead consider making flashcards or doing questions, something which could be a great way to revise if you’re a kinaesthetic learner. If you’re an audio or visual learner then maybe watch some videos. Applying your revision to your needs will be key to being successful at A Level.

Those were our top tips for getting straight As at A Level. We hope they were of some use to you and that they help you on your way to getting your dream grades.