A-level mocks can be stressful, which is why we've compiled an awesome guide of the best tips and tricks by students who have aced their A-levels.
1. Gather your study materials before you start

Snacks, water, textbooks, paper - anything everything else you’ll need. The more times you get up to get something, the more you’ll get distracted and lose your focus. Minimising distractions is key to having a successful and productive study session. There is no point in spending hours studying if you spend half the time distracted. Get everything you need ready before you sit down to study.
2. Read examiner reports

Nobody knows what examiners are looking for like examiners themselves. The best way to hone your exam technique and make sure that you are getting maximum marks is to know exactly what the examiners are looking for in your answers. You can get reports for every subject on exam board websites for free. Print these off and highlight key information - you could even make mind maps to clarify exactly what you need.
3. Get a change of scenery

Locking yourself in your room for the weeks leading up to your mocks will make revising difficult. Spending a lot of time in the same room can make you bored and even distracted. If you can, try revising from a coffee shop or a library, or just another room in your house. After your mocks, an even better option is heading outside! Getting fresh air and enjoying the sun makes studying much more enjoyable.
4. Flashcards are your friend

Flashcards are one of the most versatile study tools out there. If you only have time for a short study session, then make some flashcards with key questions on information on them so you can test yourself. Not only are they for questions and answers - but they can also be used for mini mindmaps, vocabulary cards and even speaking assessment questions.
5. Don’t revise on the morning of your mock

A quick flick through your flashcards will usually suffice when it is the morning of an exam. You should instead be focusing on staying calm and making sure you have everything you need for your mock. Revising on the day can stress you out before you even reach the exam hall, so in many cases, you should avoid it.
6. Be realistic with your targets

If you know that it takes you longer to revise then you should only plan to cover 2-3 topics per day - anything else you do on top of that is a bonus. If you know that you can cover things quickly, then you can plan for more. By being realistic you’ll have a more accurate plan of how much time you need to revise for a subject so you don’t end up getting behind in your revision.
7. Remember your overall goal

Over two years of A-levels, and especially when revising for mocks and exams, everyone goes through periods with some lack of motivation. Remember to be conscious of your main reasons for studying - is it to get onto a particular university course, maybe it’s for that feeling of accomplishment on results day? Write or print out something to remind you of your goal and place it near where you study for an extra boost when you need it.
Download our guide to smashing mock exams here! We hope you’ve found these tips useful - remember, mocks are incredibly useful in figuring out where you are at, but they are only a practice run for the real thing, so try and keep some perspective and stay as relaxed as you can throughout them!