We all have moments when revising everything seems like an impossible task, and when that happens it can be easy for revision to get out of hand and pile up. Here are 6 steps you can take to ensure that doesn’t happen!
1. Do your homework when it is set

Levels require so much work that it’s easy to get behind and feel like you’re drowning in it. Keeping on top of your homework gives you time to research things you don’t understand or ask your teacher. Making sure that it’s all done also means that you know how much extra time you’ll have to do your revision and studying for that week, so you could even get ahead of your class.
2. Bite the bullet

When it comes to revision, start with the subject you enjoy the least. Once you get it out of the way you'll feel much more relaxed and may even be able to enjoy it. It also ensures that you don't end up leaving it until the last minute and getting even more stressed.
3. Plan out your study sessions

Splitting up larger tasks like ‘study physics’ into smaller tasks like ‘read pages 23-29 in the textbook’ makes revision and homework seem much less daunting. Also, estimate how long each piece of work will take you. This will ensure that you don't end up only completing half of your tasks for the day because they took longer than expected.
4. Know your habits

Being aware of what makes you distracted makes distractions much easier to avoid. If you know that you often go make a snack in order to waste time, then maybe study in a library or somewhere where you can’t do that. Similarly, if you often find yourself daydreaming on your own then maybe study with friends so that they can help to keep you focused on what you’re meant to be doing.
5. Figure out when you're most motivated

If you're a night owl, then working later in the day may be your most productive time, especially if you're often sluggish in the morning. If you tend to be more awake in the morning then it may be better for you to do your studying early in the day. Working with your preferences can make you more productive and make studying less like a chore.
6. It doesn’t have to be pretty

If you know that taking notes is a good revision method for you then, don’t be afraid to make them, but remember that your notes do not have to be perfect every time. Once you have your summaries or class notes to study from, any notes you make after that can be scruffy because they are only needed to improve your memory of the topic. It can cut the time it’ll take you to make them in half and they’ll usually be just as useful.
Staying on top of your revision isn’t easy, but with these pointers, you should find it more manageable. Don’t let your revision get out of hand! Remember these tips and you’ll be sure to stay on top of it all.